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Author: Barbara

I am 'Unemployable.' I admit it... I couldn't hold down a real job if I tried. Why? Well, honestly, I'm spoiled. I've been self employed in various ventures for SO long, that I just don't know HOW to be an employee anymore! Which is not to say that I've NEVER had a real "J-O-B." I have. Many. TOO many. But since I was a young girl, I've been a serial entrepreneur. And with more failed businesses than successful under my belt, I charge into life with a solid sense of humility. Always looking for the next adventure. :-)
At 4:30am I asked… “What the HECK is that Noise?”

At 4:30am I asked… “What the HECK is that Noise?”

Living in Arizona has it’s own flavor, and constant surprises. I’ll tell you what awakened me in a moment, but first, let me tell you a story of holiday grace and class. I went holiday lights looking in a trolley full of 20 of my new Arizona friends this week. While the trolley drove around for 3 hours, stopping to let us spill off the bus to oohh and ahhh at the decorations, we drank wine, ate caramel popcorn and…

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Why do Cats Twitch?

Why do Cats Twitch?

My little Megan’s favorite place to nap is my lap with her paw draped across my mouse or keyboard (which explains the many typos in my emails ;-)).The other day, she suddenly started convulsing in my lap! My first reaction was panic that she was having an kitty epileptic attack. So I look down at her sweet face and her inner eyelids are closed, but her outer are open just enough so I can see her eyeballs rolling around in…

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7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist

7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist

Have you ever been swindled by someone you hired to provide a service?We all have. It happened to me just today.I purchase 30 days of Google Adwords program management services from a contractor who did not, in fact COULD not, deliver what he is offering on his website. I only got taken for $300, but it’s the principle that matters. The experience made me consider what I can learn when I’ve been taken for a ride by someone who “seems”…

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What do a bowling pin, lipstick, and a mystery novel have in common?

What do a bowling pin, lipstick, and a mystery novel have in common?

They all made the locals at my postal service ask me:“What is it that you DO anyway?” I am always amazed at the creativity of people. One reader sent me his favorite Rod Stewart CD, another a Mystery Novel that I could NOT put down, and yet another sent me a collection of makeup perfect for my skin tone!The list of the great gifts I received from you all is too long to mention here. I just want to say…

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My Secret Phone Call-Oct 4

My Secret Phone Call-Oct 4

When I asked for Top Secret packages, I was expecting chocolates and cool colored pens. What I didn’t expect to get was a “Top Secret phone call!” The fellow I referred to earlier who had us all dancing up and down and doing silly things on stage in Phoenix, Mark Joyner, replied to my blog post about a secret phone call he’s going to be doing exclusively for members of Simpleology. Mark just released his new book (which I already…

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Send me a secret package!

Send me a secret package!

Vickie of sent me a great idea for having some fun with the rumor mill here in little Anthem, AZ.She recommends that I have people mail me something in a brown paper wrapper with CONFIDENTIAL / TOP SECURITY CLEARANCE ONLY stamped all over it in an official manner. I use a local mail box service where they sort the mail by hand and a lot of locals use that service too, so word will get out as I start…

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A snake named Sal, and the love of a child…

A snake named Sal, and the love of a child…

I’ve lived in little Anthem, AZ for 6 weeks now and am learning the nuances of a small town where everyone knows everyone. So I decided to test the gossip grapevine and provide very limited information about myself, just to see how that info gets morphed through the grapevine.Share your ideas with me on how to have some fun with this!Upon leaving the gym one night this week, I noticed a snake hanging out in the driveway of the gym…

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Why do they call them road runners?

Why do they call them road runners?

My first day in Arizona involved driving a 15 ft truck laden with my earthly belongings head first into a monsoon. Apparently August is “monsoon season” in Phoenix, (a fact that no one bothered to mention to me before I decided to move there.) A monsoon is a collection of strong dust storms, incredible lightning shows, and blinding rain. Beautiful to watch from a distance, but terrifying to drive into, which is exactly what I did driving the last stretch…

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How to tell if your cat is “stoned”…

How to tell if your cat is “stoned”…

Well, this weekend I made the 15 hour trip from Denver to Phoenix to take the cats and my car down. I fly back in a few days to collect my belongings in a truck for a leisurely 3 day drive to Arizona to visit the sites, take lots of pictures, and reflect on my old life, and new adventure. The first 4 hours of the drive were noisy, as the cats loudly declared their unhappiness at being stuffed into…

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The Art of Moving Home and Business

The Art of Moving Home and Business

One of my readers suggested that “someone” write tips on how to move a home and business. Not one to back down from a challenge, I took the bait. I’m not sure if I’m doing the move from Denver to Arizona, “right,” but I’ll share the tips I’m using to make it a smooth process. On the flight home from Arizona, a few days after signing an offer on my new home, I wrote a project plan that included three…

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