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Author: Barbara

I am 'Unemployable.' I admit it... I couldn't hold down a real job if I tried. Why? Well, honestly, I'm spoiled. I've been self employed in various ventures for SO long, that I just don't know HOW to be an employee anymore! Which is not to say that I've NEVER had a real "J-O-B." I have. Many. TOO many. But since I was a young girl, I've been a serial entrepreneur. And with more failed businesses than successful under my belt, I charge into life with a solid sense of humility. Always looking for the next adventure. :-)
“I’m moving to Arizona!”

“I’m moving to Arizona!”

I‘ve been saying these words to friends and family for just two weeks now. At first, I was confused by the two most common questions I received immediately upon stating that I was moving: “Are you moving there for a job?” “Did you meet a guy who lives there?” It occurred to me after fielding these questions multiple times, that the people who asked them really didn’t know me at all. They simply gave me blank stares and nodded politely…

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Corey Rudl-1970-2005

Corey Rudl-1970-2005

I learned through a friend and colleague in the Internet Marketing community today that one of the industry’s leaders died in a car crash yesterday. Corey Rudl, just 34 years old, was brilliant young man who made life-changing contributions to our industry. After I heard the news, I called and emailed some mutual friends to ask them about their experiences with Corey… how they met, and how he enhanced their lives.The consensus was that Corey left this world LIVING it…

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